Alternate medicines or herbal medicines are being widely promoted today due to its healthy lifestyle. Though there are modern day medications and modes of treatment people are trying to find natural healing modes to overcome or even avoid the side effects that are most common in the modern mode of medication. Most of the herbal medicines are formulated for weight loss purposes while there are some that come in the form of oral supplements that not only help boost your body by providing the required energy but also helps increase the strength of your immune system to help you fight against diseases.
Why is herbal medicines gaining popularity?
Herbal medication are gaining popularity because they are safe and the ingredients that go into the formulation of these medications are made from 100% natural products ie in other words they either contain plant or animal extracts so there are comparatively lesser side effects and they cost cheaper than the modern day medications. Another thing to note is that only over-dose of the medication can lead to side effects. Another thing that is good about the herbal medications is that some of the herbal medications are also used in our day to day life or they can be termed as home remedies thus making is suitable mode of treatment for all. Some of the herbal medications that are used as home remedies are garlic, green tea leaves, turmeric etc. Certain stems of plants, barks, roots and flowers are used as herbal medicines. Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, primrose, rosemary etc are also used as herbal medicines. Garlic is an important herbal medicine as it is known to regulate the working of both your heart and liver. Apart from this it also helps relieve you from the symptoms of common cold and can be brewed into a tasty and healthy drink. Yet another benefit of garlic is that it has helped treat heart ailments as it is commonly used to treat high-blood pressure, helps lower the level of cholesterol and also helps prevent heart attacks.
It is also known to have anti-bacterial qualities and known to help over come skin ailments. Green Tea Leaves: This has been used as a mode of treatment since time innumerable by the Chinese. drinking green tea at least twice a day has shown to help reduce weight as it helps increase your metabolic activities thus helping you burn more fats and helping you to lower the level of cholesterol in the body.
Green tea is also known to help calm down the nerves which are under stress. It also helps in the detoxification of the body as it helps the body to flush out the toxins from the body. Green tea can be taken in the form of tea or there are green tea pills which will help you lose weight, calm your stressed out nerves and also help detoxify your body. Herbal medicines have become common as they are sold in the from of essential oils, herbal extracts, herbal balms, herbal creams, herbal lotions etc. Thus herbal medicines are gaining popularity as they are no side effects related to their use and can be taken by all young and old without the fear of side-effects.
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